Sunday, 30 December 2018

Week 1: Day 3: Awesome Animals

Activity 1: Fantastic Beasts

Activity 2: The Secretive Skink
  • I could work with animals, I love animals!
  • I could help animals!!
  • I could live with animals!!!
  • I could get bitten
  • I could kill an animal
  • I could get hurt
I would love to be a doc ranger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Activity 3: The WWF: World Wildlife Fund



They are building snow banks for the seals!
They are donating for the tigers!

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Week 1: Day 2: Forest Life

Activity 1: Giants Among Us
I would like to visit Tāne Mahuta because I like the environment and going outside

Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns

  Silver ferns                     Black ferns Football ferns

Activity 3: Weird and Wonderful

3x365=?   365+365=730+365=1095 so 3x365=1095ml

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Week 1: Day 1: In the Beginning

Activity 1: The Legend of New Zealand
  1. Aotearoa means The land of the long white cloud
  2. The largest city is Auckland but its capital is Wellington
  3. The Auckland sky tower is the largest freestanding building in the southern hemisphere

Activity 2: North and South
I live in on a farm near Greymouth on the Wet West Coast. We have a river running alongside our farm so on hot days we swim in it. Some parts are really deep!

Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby