My comment is a quality comment because I said what was good about it and I gave some feedback on how to make it BTB (Better Than Before). I commented on Deborah's blog. You can find Deborah's blog here:
Thursday, 31 December 2020
SLJ - Ultraviolet
Last year I made a UV bracelet so I just hung it up outside. UV bracelets have beads that change colour if there are UV rays.
SLJ - It's Cool To Be Kind
I had written this comment before I did the activity, and I know there's a spelling mistake in there (Greata)
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Thursday, 24 December 2020
SLJ - Summer Hiaku
I've written haiku poems before, but never a summer-themed one. I tried to base it around New Zealand summer but ended up doing summer in general. I don't like it.
Summer, oh what fun
The sun is shining brightly
And we're having fun
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
SLJ - Rise Up
Seeing as I find it hard and boring to write captions (And it's the school holidays) I won't be writing captions on any of my SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) posts.
Mine is completely random, Senseless is about a book character (Dovewing), I'm cursed is about a book character (Goosefeather), Long Ago is about a book character (Briarlight), Enemy is about a character in a book I wrote (Goldenheart), and Perfect is about two book characters (Firestar and Spottedleaf)
When you open your eyes,
you see many things.
You know it’s your time to rise
So you spread your wings to the skies
Life won’t pass you by
Examples of others I have written:
Now I’m, senseless
I gotta put up a fight
I’ll run away in the night
I’m Cursed:
I have a problem . . . I’m being haunted.
I’m cursed! I’m sick of seeing all these ghosts!
I’m cursed! If only I could get a break!
I’m cursed!
Long Ago:
I am crippled,
my back legs work no more.
The water ripples,
showing what my heart is longing for.
You killed my sister,
I will get revenge
You are now my enemy,
your life will soon end
You are my enemy,
my enemy
She’s perfect,
there’s no other word to describe it!
She’s worth it,
now I’m feeling like a kit
Friday, 18 December 2020
SLJ - Which One Doesn't Belong?
For the SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) we had to look at the pictures and work out which one didn't belong and why. I thought this was hard on some but easy on others. Please say what you think for the last one in the comments! I enjoyed getting to make my own (I drew all the art, but not all characters are mine). I found it challenging to do the one with the space ship things. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more things to all of them.
\Wednesday, 16 December 2020
SLJ - Tanerore
For the SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) we had to create our own Maori drawing. I did ferns in the centre because they represent New Zealand, four hammerhead sharks because they represent strength (Strength of the sun), and a koru at the top because it is used in most Maori drawings. I used to draw on. I enjoyed getting to draw it. I found it challenging to place everything. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail or colour it in.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
SLJ - Fishy False Teeth
For the SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) activity 'Fishy False Teeth' we had to read an article then answer some questions. After we did that we watched a video and added speech bubbles to the comic. I enjoyed getting to watch the video because it is funny. I found it challenging to think of ideas for the speech bubbles. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more speech bubbles or add more detail to the ones I already have.
Friday, 11 December 2020
Summer Learning Journey - Teaser
In the holidays I am doing SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) so at school, we had to do the teaser activity. The teaser activity was to recolour a piece of art using the ArtColouringBook app. I choose to do the step-it-up one because I wanted to do something harder. I enjoyed getting to colour the picture I choose. The best part was colouring the background and the watermelons. I found it hard to colour because when I started it was working when I clicked. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could think more about the values of the colours I did in the background.
Things I noticed in the original piece:
- There isn't a blue and yellow background, it's light and shadow
- There are two people in the back, not penguins
Greenland - Country profile
For maths, we had to research the hottest (Burkina Faso) and coldest (Greenland) countries in the world and make a country profile on them. I enjoyed getting to research the freezing temperature in Greenland. I found it challenging to get average temperatures for every month so I did the whole year. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail, but I couldn't think of much to add.
Burkina Faso - Country Profile
For maths, we had to research the hottest (Burkina Faso) and coldest (Greenland) countries in the world. Then we had to make a country profile about them and their temperature. I enjoyed getting to research Burkina Faso because it is a very interesting country. I found it challenging to get average temperatures for every month. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add some more information about the country.
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
The Battle Begins
For writing, we had to storyboard a book we knew. I chose to do The Battle Begins (Unnaturals book #1) because I knew it a lot. It's a good book and I would recommend reading it because there are many more important parts than what you see in my comic. I enjoyed getting to storyboard the book but I would have prefered getting to draw it myself rather than using StoryboardThat. I found it challenging to make the characters because they are hybrids. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could have put the title at the start because it looks weird at the end. (I don't know why I put it there)
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Mink culling
For our quiz activity, we had to write about anything from the quiz. I choose to write about mink culling, and the minks rising from the dead. I enjoyed getting to write about minks (Fun fact: They are related to my favourite animals, the pine marten). I found it challenging to find much information about the subject. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could make it longer. I didn't do that because I didn't have as much time as we normally do.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Activity 5
For literacy, when we did activity 5 (We did 4 first) we had to create a piece of art. Art meant music, drawing, song, dance, or anything like that. The piece of art had to have a hidden meaning. My meaning is we are ruining the earth. I enjoyed getting to create my piece of art (I choose a drawing) because I like to draw a lot at home. I found it challenging to think of a meaning. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail/make the countries the right shape.
My art:
Banksy - Artist Proflie
For activity three, we had to write an artist profile for Banksy. Banksy is a well-known artist but no one really knows who he is. I enjoyed getting to learn more about the street artist (NOT GRAFFITIST!) because I didn't know much. I found it challenging to make an artist profile because I didn't really know how to do it. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more facts.
This un-named graffitist turned street artist is believed to be called Robin Gunnningham. Banksy lives in
Britain and chooses to use stencils rather than painting freehand.
He has been around for 47 years, his most expensive painting selling for $12.2 million. The expensive
painting, called ‘Devolved Parliament’, is a picture of monkeys in the place of members of parliament.
His most famous painting, ‘Girl with Balloon’, had a shredder inside it so when it was sold it just shredded!
The video can be seen here:
Girl with Balloon (Banksy painting)
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
End Ball rules
For writing, after we made the how to play we had to create a video showing the game in action. I think now that there is a video people will understand better. I enjoyed getting to write the script and record it. I found it challenging to work with lots of people because team #2 didn't always listen. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add a voice-over. I didn't add a voice-over because I didn't have time.
Monday, 23 November 2020
Activity two
For our second art-themed T-shaped literacy, we had to write about what we thought about the article 'Graffiti: Street art - or crime?'. I found this a hard thing to write about because I'm not sure what I think about graffiti. I enjoyed getting to read the article because it was quite interesting to hear peoples' opinions on the topic. I found it challenging to write what I thought about graffiti. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could.
What I think about graffiti, and should the men be arrested?
I have mixed feelings about graffiti but I think the men shouldn't have been arrested. I agree with what Bob said: "The greater the cost of removing the graffiti, the greater the punishment should be, though not prison." They did do graffiti which is a type of vandalism but being jailed for over a year is a bit much.
My feelings about graffiti are mixed because even though it is bad it is still a form of art. You wouldn't arrest someone for dancing on the side of a road, so don't arrest someone doing art. I know dance and graffiti are different but you sort of get the picture.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Activity one questions
Our new T-shaped literacy theme is art. For our first activity, we had to read the article 'Painting the Town' and answer the questions. I enjoyed getting to read the text because I thought it was very interesting. I found it challenging to answer question four. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail to the last two questions.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Toi moko
For this week's weekly quiz we had to research toi moko. We had to make our presentation interesting so I added a little song a wrote. I enjoyed getting to learn about the toi moko and write the song. I found it challenging to find out how to make them. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more but I didn't because I didn't have enough time.
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
The great barrier reef is dying
For this week's weekly quiz we had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) talking about coral reefs dying. I decided to do mine all about the Great Barrier Reef. Please ignore that in the google my map it says refs not reefs. I enjoyed getting to research the coral reefs dying. I found it challenging to find things to do to fix it. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more things to do to fix it.
Monday, 2 November 2020
End Ball - Rules and How to Play
This week for writing we had to write a set of instructions to play a team game. For my team game, I choose end ball. It is a game not many people know about, but it is very fun. I enjoyed getting to write about end ball. I found it challenging to find the actual rules. To be BTB (Better Than Before I could add another diagram.
End Ball
End ball is a game that includes running, throwing, and catching.
Time: About two minutes a round
Players: Two teams of about six people each
Two tennis balls
Markers (Enough to make two or four lines). The markers can be cones, tyres, or anything that marks the lines
Whistle (Optional)
No running with the ball
Every player must catch and throw the ball at some point
If someone misses or drops the ball, the last person to touch it must pick it up, go back to where they were when they touched the ball, and rethrow it
Underarm throws only
How to play/Method:
Split players into teams. If there are more than twelve players make more teams.
Before you can play the game you must set up two lines using the markers. The two lines must be facing each other. Make sure everyone knows that if you go out of the lines whilst playing you are out.
One team will go to each line. They will be given a tennis ball. Give them about one and a half minutes to plan a strategy.
When the whistle blows, or the person running the game says ‘GO!’, the game starts.
The players must work together to get the ball to the other teams starting line. They must do this and follow the four rules.
Once one team has made it to the other side they have won!
Play with four teams →
Give a time limit for holding the ball eg. 3 seconds
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Pistachio - The green puppy
For this week's weekly quiz we got to choose our topic. I chose to research the green puppy named Pistachio. I enjoyed getting to read about the strange condition. I found it challenging to find facts because there wasn't much. Because it is short I will probably add more facts when I have time. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more facts.
Thursday, 22 October 2020
How to be a good sportsman
For T-shaped literacy, we had to create a 'how-to' guide on how to be a good sportsman. Mine guide is short but it tells you what to do. None of the photos are mine but they are labeled for reuse. I enjoyed getting to think of things to do to show good sportsmanship. I found it challenging to think of the steps. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Alfred Nobel - Facts
For this week's weekly quiz activity we had to research Alfred Nobel and create an interactive DLO (Digital Learning Object). My DLO has the 5 Ws and an H as well as some extra facts, and a game/quiz. I hope you have fun learning some new facts and playing the game! I enjoyed getting to research him and create the game/quiz. I found it challenging to find facts for 'who' and 'how'. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could find more facts or add more detail to all of the pages.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Actvity three
For our T-shaped literacy, we had to create a Venn diagram of two texts. I enjoyed getting to read the texts because they were interesting. I found it challenging to think of things similar. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail to the opposite sides.
Text one link:
Text two link:
Friday, 16 October 2020
Explorring the setting - My Brother's War
For our last novel study activity, we had to explore the setting. I enjoyed getting to write about the mood. I found it challenging to write about the time and work out what year it was. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could make my overall thoughts longer.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Sportsmanship - Brain dump
For our T-shaped literacy, we had sportsmanship as our focus. For activity one we had to do a brain dump. A brain dump is when you dump all your ideas on the page. I enjoyed getting to think about sportsmanship. I found it challenging to think of ideas. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail to my ideas.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Lake Ohau News Report
This week my class got to research the Lake Ohau fires and create a news report video or a newspaper article. If we made a video we could do it with a buddy. Miro G and I made a video together (It has ads just like the news). I enjoyed getting to film it. I found it challenging to keep a straight face, and find information. To be BTB (Better Than Before) we could have made the talk we Reporter Lucy longer because it was only 30 seconds and it should have been 2 minutes. We also could have practiced a bit because we kept messing up. Fun fact: It originally had 4 ads but they were longer than the news itself! The other ads were for fingernail growing potion and fat pills.
Here is the video so you can watch it: Lake Ohau Fires
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Exploring the theme - My Brother's War
We had to write things about the theme. I found it hard to think of things/explain them so this is a WIP (Work In Progress). I enjoyed getting to read the book so I could do this. I found it challenging to explain it.
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Exploring the plot - My Bother's War
For novel study, we had to write about the plot of our group's book. I enjoyed getting to read the book so I could write about the plot. I found it challenging to choose the main points. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add slightly more detail.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Japan - Imformation report
For literacy, we had to write an information report on Japan. Miss Farr gave us five sites to get our research from but we could use others if we needed to. I think I could have made it longer, but then you would be sitting here for ages reading about all the wars Japan took part in. I enjoyed getting to read all about Japan. I found it challenging to write a conclusion. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could write a better conclusion.
Japan, home to cherry blossoms and samurai. The small islands of mainland Asia make up the famous city-filled country.
Culture and traditions
Japan's culture is heavily influenced by China, but during the Edo era they were isolated from the world. After the Edo era Japan was influenced by the western world. Then the was the Heian era - the 'golden' age. Today Japan has taken traditions from all over the world. They still have some things of their own though - including the cherry blossom. Cherry blossoms are what Japan is known for, and they are Japan's national plant.
Tokyo has three main ages: Samurai, stronghold, and future. City of the future is the Tokyo we know now. During the samurai age Tokyo, known then as Edo, ranked each other. The higher rank you were, the better place you got to live. The ranks went as following: nobility, daimyо̄ and samurai, farmers, and chо̄nin (Townspeople). At noon on the first of September 1923, there was an earthquake that killed an estimated 142,000 people.
Location and geography
When the people of Tokyo lived by ranks their homes were in different areas. Yamanote was where the samurai lived, with the nobility south of them. Yamanote was at the foot if a mountain giving it's meaning 'hand of the mountain'. The chо̄nin lived in a place called Shitamachi. Shitamachi had buildings close together, giving the lower-ranked people a feeling of being trapped. The farmers, who could live anywhere, took to the fields. Turning the lush green grass into food. Japan has approximately 6,900 islands and is 73% mountains. It also has a number of 'green spaces'.
People and population
Japan is the 11th largest country in the world (By population) having been shy of 1.5 million people in1898, but over 2 million people in 1909. People of Japan speak Japanese but write in three alphabets. The alphabets are Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Hiragana is the easiest to learn because it's sounds like the English alphabet.
Japan's climate is mild (Meaning not severe or harsh) in the winter, and hot and humid (Meaning there is lots of water vapor) in the summer. These conditions make Japan good for growing plants. Japan's coldest month, January, is 6.6667 degrees Celcius, while their hottest month, August, is 28.3333 degrees Celcius.
Flora and fauna
Japan has many flora and fauna- cherry blossom, camellia, lily, hosta, and maple are Japan's native flora. Japanese macaque, green pheasant, red-crowned crane, sika deer, and Steller's sea lion are Japan's native fauna. Japan has 140 identified species of fauna, including 32 carnivores! Japan is also home to tigers. Many people associate tigers with Japan because tigers live in Asia, and Japan is a country in Asia. Japan's animals live in jungles and near rivers, in villages and beside roads.
Weird things
Japan has many strange things like the fact number four is avoided at all costs. This is because the Japanese word for four (四, Shi) sounds like the Japanese word for death (死, Shi). Two things that are considered rude are these: blowing your nose in public and pouring your own glass.
So now you know about Japan's history, its climate, and its geography.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Author Biography - David Hill
For literacy, we had to write about the author of our literacy groups' book. My group, Aroki A, was reading 'My Brother's War'. I enjoyed getting to study David Hill. I found it challenging to write. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could make it longer.
David Hill is many things; an author, playwright, critic, poet, and columnist. He was born in Napier but now lives in New Plymouth. He was born in 1942 and is 78 now. He has written over 40 books, including My Brother’s War, The Red Poppy, and See Ya, Simon. He loves fried potatoes and would want to be an astronomer if he wasn’t a writer. His favorite author is Maurice Gee, and his favorite children’s authors are Joy Cowley and Margaret Mahy. His advice for aspiring writers is this: don’t throw away your work, read lots, and give your writing to places like The School Journal. He likes writing because he makes people happy, and he gets to meet other authors. According to an article interviewing him, his most embarrassing moment was when he accidentally stuck his finger up a stranger’s nose!
Exploring the charcter
For literacy, we had to write the traits of the main character(s) in our book. My group was reading 'My brother's war'. I enjoyed getting to read it so I could work out the traits. I found it challenging to think of ways to describe William. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail and more traits.
Monday, 31 August 2020
WOTW (Word Of The Week)
This weeks' word of the week was ascending. I was happy because I knew, and could explain what it meant. I enjoyed getting to find a picture. I found it challenging to find synonyms. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could find more synonyms.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Prediction - My Brother's War
For literacy, we had to look at the front and back of a book to see what we thought it would be about. I think that this book with be interesting because it is by an author I like. I have read David Hill's book Se Ya, Simon. I enjoyed looking at the cover because it looks interesting. I found it challenging to write what I thought the book would be about. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more detail to my thoughts.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
9 Times Tables Song
Monday, 3 August 2020
Word of the Week (WOTW)
Monday, 27 July 2020
Word of the Week (WOTW)
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Word Of The Week (WOTW)
Friday, 3 July 2020
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
WOTW (Word Of The Week)
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
WOTW (Word Of The Week)
Monday, 22 June 2020
Some more art
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My germandog/bull shepherd |
A real germandog/bull shepherd |