Monday, 25 January 2021

SLJ - Mondrian Art

 Here is my Mondrian art. I really like how well the colours go together. I found it challenging to make all the squares because it was long and boring.

Friday, 22 January 2021

SLJ - Pixel Art

 It's the beach and sea. I made it using And the animation is the stars at night. I made it using piskelapp

Saturday, 2 January 2021

SLJ - Which Face Is Real

 I got 9/10.

The main clue in this one is the glasses, the ones on the right have light reflecting off them which means there is flash being used on the camera, or there is light in front of them.

The man on the left has a weird neck as well.

Friday, 1 January 2021

SLJ - Te Huarere

 I found this activity sort of easy because I already knew about some weather in Māori, but some things were new to me.