Tuesday 11 May 2021

Sea snake in northland - Weekly quiz

 After doing this week's weekly quiz, I decided to research the yellow-bellied sea snake found in Northland. It was the SECOND one found in the past ten days. I enjoyed getting to research the native sea snake, as this story was surprising. I found it challenging to find facts about it. To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could add more facts.

A few days ago the second yellow-bellied sea snake was found, less than 10 days since the one found before that. This is extremely strange because the snake found before these two was found in 2018

An 11 year old boy was with is family when they found the snake. They put it in a bag and drove to the local dairy to ask what it was. After they found it it was a highly venomous snake they put it in a buket of sea water and started the drive to their family home. After the hour the snake was dead so they cut off it’s head

Clinton Duffy, technical advisor for marine species at the depatment of consevation said “Yellow-bellied sea snakes should not be handled because they are highly venomous and a bite from one is likely to be fatal without access to snake anti-venom. However, bites from them are extremely rare because their fangs are small and located at the back of their mouths."


  1. Hi Lucy! My name is Lyla. I am from Otaki college!. I really like this post does you class do the quiz every week? And is it on paper or your chromebook? Hope you have a great day! From Lyla!

    1. Hello Lyla
      Yes, we try to do the quiz every week. We can chose to do it on paper or on chromebook.


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