Wednesday 29 April 2020

Chinese New Year

Matariki is the Maori new year and Miss Farr is getting us to learn about the different new years. Today we are doing it about the Chinese New Year. We had to research some things the Chinese did then write about them and why they are important. I enjoyed getting to write about the events. I found it challenging to find some really interesting events. To be BTB(Better Than Before) I could do another event or add more detail to the events I did.


  1. This thing is very cool.
    Next time maybe you should put in more Traditions?

    1. Thanks Miro
      If I have time I might put in more tradition. If I didn't is there anything else I could do?

  2. Great work Lucy, thank you for teaching me all the different meanings behind the colour red. I knew that it was to ward away evil spirits but I didn't know it also represented wealth. Do you have any traditions around New Years in your family?

    1. Our family doesn't have ant traditions around new years.


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