Tuesday 21 April 2020

Reflecting our year

For literacy today we had to make something to reflect our year. When Miss Farr said it could be anything I decided I would make it a cake. It only has one thing on it and that is me ziplining at adrenaline forest but if it had more I would include Kids lit, Westamaths, my northland holiday, athletics and spending time with my friends and family. What I learnt from that event was how to concur my fear, not of hights but of a zip line breaking when I was on it and then falling down through trees. I think this will remind me that I can concur any fears which will mean I will try more new things.  enjoyed making and decorating it but eating it was definitely the best (Past tastes great!). I found it challenging to recreate the photo but I am happy with it. To be BTB(Better Than Before) I could make a bigger cake and add more things.

This is me ziplining at adrenaline forest


  1. Wow Lucy! What a great idea making a cake to represent you going on the zip line. Learning about concurring a fear is a great lesson and a wonderful skill to have. I can imagine the zip line would be scary however I would be scared of heights rather than the zip line breaking. What other memories/lessons do you think you would put on the cake if you could do it again?

    1. I would put some of the lessons I have learnt while helpping dad on the farm and some merories of my northland holiday.

    2. That sounds like a great idea! Where in Northland did you go?

    3. We went all around Northland. It was really fun.


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