Thursday 19 December 2019

Week 1: Day 2: Up in the air

Activity 1: Flying Solo

Activity 2: One Small Step for Man
Exciting, amazing
Running, jumping, floating
Moon, space, Apollo, Rocket
Moonwalking, Gliding, Hoping
Awesome, Great

Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson
My Mum was brave because when she was 17 she flew to Argentina and stayed there for a year. She did not know anybody, couldn’t speak Spanish and had never left the country. She had to spend 17 hours on the plane,16 hours on a bus and about 1 and a half hours in a ute. While she was in the ute she saw her first snake and they ran it over.


  1. Kia Ora!

    Nice work with this post Lucy! Well done completing these three activities. Thank you for taking the time to complete them :)

    I really like your poem about being on the moon! You thought of a really creative format for this! You have come up with some really good words to describe what it would feel like to be on the moon! I think that running, jumping and floating would all be really fun things to try in space! If I ever went to space I would definitely try them!

    Would you like to go to the moon? What are some things you would like to try in space? I would want to try to do flips.

    This will be the last time I comment on your posts for a while because I am going on holiday for two weeks. I will be back on the 6th of January and I’m already looking forward to reading all the posts you will have done! Keep up the awesome work while I’m away! :)


    1. Hi Matilda
      If I went to they moon i would definitely try to do flips. I would also like to try horse riding on the moon especially doing jumping.

  2. Wow Lucy!
    What a wonderful post, your mum must have been very brave to fly all the way to South America by herself. How do you think you would feel if you did such a long trip by yourself?
    Keep up the great blogging and have a wonderful Christmas,
    Miss F

    1. Hi Miss Farr
      I would be very scared if I went to another country for a year. Have a great Christmas and I can't wait for you to teach me next year.


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