Monday 4 May 2020

Squaring numbers

Today for maths we were given six numbers that we had to square. I found the last one the hardest. I enjoyed the first one because it was so easy. I found it challenging to think of some for others to do (This was not part of the activity. I just wanted to do it). To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could have more for others to do.


  1. Ka mau te wehi! I wonder if you could do cubed numbers that is when you do it by 3 eg 3 cubed would be 3 x 3 x 3. Maybe you could try to work that out?

    10 x 10 = 100
    5 x 5 = 25
    3 x 3= 9

    1. Is 3x3x3 27? I don't know if you would times 3 3 times or do 3x3 then times the answer by 3.


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